• 15 ноября 2014, суббота
  • Москва

Institutional TOEFL exam at Skoltech

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Сколковский институт науки и технологий
3450 дней назад
15 ноября 2014 c 10:00 до 14:00

An invitation to take an institutional TOEFL test at Skoltech

All applicants are required to demonstrate proficiency in English, the language of instruction at Skoltech.

Therefore, Skoltech would like to invite you to take an Institutional TOEFL exam on November 15th, 2014. The event is open only to those applicants who already have an active Skoltech application for 2014-15 academic year or will be starting an application during the week of November 10th, 2014. By taking this exam you will be able to evaluate your level of English and understand whether or not you meet the minimum TOEFL requirement of Skoltech admissions. 

The Institutional version of the TOEFL is a multiple choice, paper-based test. There are three sections; Listening Comprehension, Structure and Written Expression, and Vocabulary/Reading Comprehension. It is accepted at the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology as an alternative to the computer-based official TOEFL test which is required for admissions to Skoltech.

Candidates who desire to take this test must preregister here. Please be advised that the results are only valid for Skoltech admissions. They are not valid anywhere else.

When: November 15, at 10am (a Skoltech bus is provided for a pick up from Park Pobedy metro station)
Address: Moscow School of Management (Beijing Auditorium)
RSVP by 9 a.m. Friday, November 14, 2014

Note: As the spaces are limited (only 40), please be advised the priority will be given to those students who already have an active Skoltech application.

Candidates need to present proper photo identification, such as a passport, to be allowed to take the test.


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